Esharelife Foundation has collaborated with the Medical Mission Sisters (MMS) Society in order to spread awareness about the great work that this charity does to promote health, wellbeing, and healing in all aspects of life, with a particular focus on the support of women. The Society is now based in London where the Society Leadership Team comprises members from different countries.
As part of the Esharelife Think Tank program, Esharelife organised a webinar with special guest Sister Miriam Therese Winter PhD, Professor Emerita- Hartford Seminary. During the Webinar, Sister Miriam talked about the MMS’s Austrian founder, Mother Anna Dengel.
Mother Anna Dengel first worked as a doctor in the 1920s in Rawalpindi – then India and Pakistan – where custom and religious beliefs prevented women from being seen by men outside the immediate family and could not accept medical treatment from male doctors.
Mother Dengel was driven by a pioneering spirit to develop a healing mission, and that mission continues in the present day, adapted by the same pioneering spirit of the members of her community to respond to the needs of our time.
You can discover more about the Webinar by visiting the Esharelife ThinkTank website.
The latest collaboration between Esharelife and the Medical Mission Sisters involved Esharelife donating £500 to the latter to support a nutrition program that the association is running in one of its new centers in Kenya.
Further information can be found below in the letter that Esharelife received from the Trustee and Secretary of the Medical Mission Sisters. The letter is also clear evidence of the friendly and collaborative relations between these two charitable associations which both attempt to relieve people from poverty.