Esharelife’s mission has always been to create opportunities and empower those who need them most. Through education, vocational training, and sustainable community development, Esharelife is working to empower children, women, and young people to dream big. However, there is still much more to be done to support these children and their families.
As Prof. Maurizio Bragagni Esq OBE, Chairman of Esharelife, approaches his milestone 50th birthday this June, he has expressed a heartfelt wish for the celebrations to be centred on giving rather than receiving. Instead of gifts, Maurizio is asking friends, colleagues, and well-wishers to consider making a donation to Esharelife, a cause deeply close to his heart.
Esharelife is dedicated to transforming lives through education, providing underprivileged children with access to learning opportunities that can open doors to a brighter future. By supporting this mission, you will be contributing directly to funding vital education programs that offer hope and empowerment to those in need.
This birthday celebration marks not just a personal milestone but an opportunity to make a profound impact on the lives of those in need. The donations will directly support Esharelife’s vital initiatives, including ongoing efforts in Kenya.
Through your generosity, we can continue to provide vital support to these children, ensuring they have access to education, stability, and hope for a brighter future. Your donation is more than just a gift; it is a lifeline to those who need it most.