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Charity Trustees Donations Policy

Donations Policy

1. Purpose

Our charity is dedicated to supporting initiatives that align with our mission and values. This donations policy outlines the principles, processes, and criteria we follow when awarding donations to organizations and projects.

2. Objectives

– To advance our charitable mission and goals.
– To support innovative, impactful, and sustainable projects.
– To ensure transparency, fairness, and accountability in our donations process.

3. Eligibility Criteria

Organizations and projects must meet the following eligibility criteria to be considered for funding:
– Align with our mission and charitable objectives.
– Demonstrate a clear need for funding and the potential for meaningful impact.
– Have a well-defined project plan, budget, and timeline.
– Be legally registered and in good standing, if applicable.
– Comply with all relevant laws and regulations.

4. Types of Donations

We offer different types of donations based on the nature of the project and the needs of the organization. These may include:
– Programmatic donations to support specific projects or initiatives.
– Capacity-building donations to strengthen organizational capacity and effectiveness.
– Emergency donations to address urgent needs or crises.
– Seed donations to support innovative ideas or early-stage projects.

5. Application Process

Organizations interested in applying for a donation must follow our established application process, which may include:
– Submission of a donation application form, including detailed project information, budget, and impact metrics.
– Providing supporting documents, such as organizational budgets, annual reports, and legal documents.
– Participation in interviews or site visits, if necessary.
– Compliance with any additional requirements outlined in the donation guidelines.

6. Review and Evaluation

Donation applications will be reviewed and evaluated based on the following criteria:
– Alignment with our mission and objectives.
– Clarity of project goals, activities, and expected outcomes.
– Demonstrated need for funding and potential for impact.
– Organizational capacity and track record.
– Budget realism and cost-effectiveness.
– Compliance with our grant making policies and guidelines.

7. Decision-Making Process

Donation decisions will be made by our donations committee or board of directors based on the recommendations of the review panel. Final approval may involve a consensus or voting process, taking into account the merit and feasibility of each proposal.

8. Donation Agreement

Upon approval, if required, successful applicants will enter into a donation agreement outlining the terms and conditions of the funding, including reporting requirements, use of funds, and monitoring and evaluation expectations.

9. Monitoring and Evaluation

Recipients will be required to submit periodic reports on project progress, financial expenditures, and outcomes achieved. We may conduct site visits or evaluations to assess the impact of funded projects and ensure accountability.

10. Transparency and Communication

We are committed to transparency in our donation process. We will provide clear and timely communication to applicants regarding the status of their applications and the reasons for funding decisions.

11. Compliance and Ethics

Our charity is committed to upholding the highest standards of integrity, ethics, and compliance in our donation activities. Any conflicts of interest or unethical behaviour will be addressed promptly and impartially.

12. Review and Revision

This donations policy will be reviewed periodically to ensure its effectiveness and alignment with our mission and values. Amendments may be made as necessary to reflect changes in our priorities or operating environment.


Our charity is dedicated to making strategic and impactful investments in projects and organizations that contribute to positive social change. By adhering to this donations policy, we aim to maximize the impact of our resources and advance our mission for the benefit of our communities.