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Working to help create change – Charity Commission’s formal accreditation

Esharelife charity foundation

We are celebrating the arrival of the Charity Commission’s formal accreditation of Esharelife.org as a registered charity.
This is an important landmark that sets the organisation on a recognised and formal footing and demonstrates Esharelife.org’s credentials as a fundraising body working to help create change for some of the most disadvantaged people in the world.

The process involved in achieving registered charity status is rigorous, and that is as it should be.  We are incredibly proud of achieving this and we would like to formally and publicly thank the Charity Commission for working with us, the guidance and the incredible patience shown along the way.

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Esharelife delivers Positive Life Choices

Esharelife charity foundation Christmas Party

Esharelife gathered friends, supporters and representatives from beneficiary organisations for its second Christmas Party – and raised funds for Kenyan education projects.

The glittering event, hosted by Tratos Ltd CEO and charity founder Dr Maurizio Bragagni, saw special guests from the worlds of politics, business and the arts gather to celebrate and support Esharelife charities.

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